Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Positively Reality

Sometimes reality is that there is no ice on the roads, no matter how well we prepared for its presence the night prior.

Sometimes reality is the rain washing away the only bridge home when not a drop was predicted and you're 9 months pregnant.

Sometimes reality is the simplicity of pressing pause on this ever-speeding, often challenging life to snuggle, smile and embrace each other's humanity-flaws and all.

Our constantly changing world leaves us in a powerful position as we learned from our quote of the week:

     "The most powerful thing you can do to change the world is to change your own beliefs about the nature of life, people and reality to something more positive... and begin to act accordingly."

                                                                                          -Shakti Gawain

Beliefs, simply put, are thoughts we think repeatedly.  Begin to think the world is warm and loving, and see what happens.  Embrace whole heartedly that Life is Good and Beautiful, and observe as reality blossoms into nature's finest of flowers.

We all know those days when reality seems to leave us with no choice but to let the ground hold us up....

......and on those days we thank and bless the sweet Earth for being the ground beneath our feet.  We thank our bodies for slowing down and allowing the space to heal.  Most importantly, we thank our community and ourselves for always supporting, uplifting, and loving us exactly as we are.

We are all whole, beautiful and loved exactly as we are.  We are Whole Life Learners!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Welcoming Noah

As the soft, delicate pitter-patter of dreary raindrops
Gives way to the first footsteps of spring
Your precious soul comes bounding forth.

The promise of new life echoes loudly within all of our hearts
As the warm sunshine brings with it something far better
than a small sprinkling of green.

We’ve been expecting you…..

Welcome to this precious life
angel in human form.
The world is ready and waiting
to greet you with Its loving, open arms.

May love’s light illuminate your path,
whichever you choose to tread.
May gentleness grace your heart, and may joy and laughter fill your days.
May you always know
down to the deepest depths of your soul
that you are nothing short of Divine.

Sweet, gentle Noah,
Oh, how you are loved.

Noah Riley Carberry
Born February 8, 2015
7lbs 9oz
20 inches
Marvelously radiant mama: Caroline Riley
Proud, amazing papa: Michael Carberry

Future: Positively Spectacular

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

It's Baby Time!

We are so thankful and delighted to have Leesalyn and her precious baby Deryn with us!  

Soft, colorful mats make a cozy blanket like fallen autumn leaves in our lavender room as she guides each learner through every yoga pose.  Her gentle, flexible energy and sweet soul bring new, awakened life to this ancient practice as she skillfully navigates motherhood and mentor-hood.

And like every good yogi, she remembers the importance of silliness and play.

Sweet baby Deryn will be in good company with all of the new life that will be arriving in our community this year.  Miss Carly is positively glowing, and showing as well!  She and her family will be welcoming her second son this summer!

Miss Caroline radiates life, love and joy as she and Mr. Michael prepare to welcome their precious Noah any time now......

.....and we cannot wait to meet him!